Zamia fischeri
Photo Dennis Stevenson |
The Cycad Pages
D.W. Stevenson | |
Zamia L., Sp. Pl., ed. 2, 2: 1659 (1763);
from the Greek azaniae a pine cone. Type: Z. pumila L.
Over 50 species; South, Central & North America.
Distinguishing characters:
- Leaves pinnate
- Leaflets lacking a midrib
- Leaflets articulated
- Sporophylls in vertical rows in cones
- Megasporophyll apices faceted or flattened, not spinose
Select a species, or go to the
Key to the species.
Individual species pages will have
literature references and synonyms, and eventually
(indicated by I if present),
distribution maps (M),
descriptions (D) and
general notes (N) on the species.
These are not yet all in place for all species, but the database
is slowly growing.
On species pages, click on thumbnail images to see full-screen images.
Habit: dioecious palm- or fern-like shrubs with aerial or subterranean,
pachycaul, cylindrical or globose stems, with few to many leaves.
Leaf bases mostly not persistent. New leaves emerging singly or in flushes.
Dichotomous branching common in geophytic species,
basal offsets ("suckers") produced by some species.
Leaves: pinnate, spirally arranged, interspersed with cataphylls,
lower leaflets not reduced to spines. Petioles often with prickles. Longitudinal ptyxis erect,
horizontal ptyxis erect. Leaflets simple, with spiny margins in some species, with
numerous bifurcating parallel
veins and no distinct midrib, leaflets articulated,
inserted near the edges of the rhachis towards the adaxial side,
lacking a differently coloured basal gland; stomata
on lower surface only or on both surfaces; epidermal cells elongated
parallel to long axes of leaflets. Leaves pubescent, at least
when young, with branched and simple, transparent and coloured hairs.
Microsporophylls: spirally orthostichous, aggregated into stalked or sessile
male cones and each with a simple sterile apex, which is often
flattened or faceted, sometimes weakly bilobed, never produced into an
upturned spine. Each microsporophyll bearing
numerous microsporangia (pollensacs) on the abaxial surfaces.
Microsporangia opening by slits. Pollen cymbiform, monosulcate.
Megasporophylls: spirally orthostichous, aggregated into stalked or sessile
female cones. Sporophylls simple, appearing peltate with a simple
dilated apex which is usually hexagonal, often flattened or faceted,
sometimes weakly bilobed, never produced into an upturned
spine. Ovules two (rarely three), sessile, orthotropous, inserted
on the inner (axis-facing) surface of the thickened lamina and
directed inwards ("inverted").
Seeds: subglobular to oblong or ellipsoidal, with a red,
orange, yellow or rarely white fleshy outer sarcotesta. Endosperm
haploid, derived from the female gametophyte. Embryo straight;
with 2 cotyledons that are usually united at the tips and a very
long, spirally twisted suspensor. Seeds radiospermic; germination
Key to species
1 Leaflets deeply grooved between veins above, ridged below, appearing plicate
- 2 Leaflets petiolulate --
Zamia wallisii
2* Leaflets sessile
- 3 Leaflets entire
- 4 Leaflets linear, falcate basally --
Zamia roezli
4* Leaflets elliptic to obovate
- 5 Leaflets obovate --
Zamia montana
5* Leaflets elliptic --
Zamia amplifolia
- 3 Leaflets with marginal teeth and/or apical teeth
- 6 Leaflets small, less than 30 cm long and 10 cm wide
- 7 Leaflets elliptic, 8-12 pairs, evenly toothed in upper third; stems arborescent --
Zamia neurophyllidia
7* Leaflets lanceolate to oblanceolate, 3-5 pairs, very coarsely toothed apically; stems hypogeous --
Zamia purpurea
- 6* Leaflets large, 30-50 cm long and 15-25 cm wide
- 8 Leaves 5 to many, 4-8 pairs of leaflets, stems to 2 m --
Zamia skinneri
8* Leaves 1-3, 2-5 pairs of leaflets, stems subterranean --
Zamia dressleri
- 1* Leaflets smooth and not appearing plicate
- 9 Leaflets with distinct petiolule and gland-like collar at the base of the blade
- 10 Gland a simple abaxial rim, leaflets less than 35 cm long and 7 cm wide --
Zamia manicata
10* Gland an abaxial flap that is adaxially rolled, leaflets greater than 40 cm long and 8 cm wide --
Zamia macrochiera
- 9* Leaflets sessile and without a gland-like collar
- 11 Petioles smooth
- 12 Leaflet margins entire
- 13 Leaflets sclerophyllous with pungent tips
- 14 Leaflets to 15 cm wide; microsporophyll facets shallowly inclined, microsporangia abaxial only, seeds brown --
Zamia inermis
14* leaflets to 3 cm wide; microsporophyll facets steeply inclined,, microsporangia abaxial and adaxial; seeds white --
Zamia encephalartoides
- 13* Leaflets papyraceous to coriaceous and tips not sharp
- 15 Leaflets 05-1 cm wide, linear; plants terrestrial, seeds red --
Zamia portoricensis
15* Leaflets 2-5 cm wide, falcate; plants epiphytic; seeds yellow --
Zamia pseudoparasitica
- 12* Leaflet margins toothed
- 16 Leaflets papyraceous to chartaceous, lanceolate to oblong or obpyriform
- 17 Leaves reflexed, leaflet pairs less than 12, lanceolate --
Zamia fischeri
17* Leaves erect, leaflet pairs 15-30, obpyriform --
Zamia vazquezii
- 16* Leaflets coriaceous, linear to elliptic to obovate
- 18 leaflets elliptic, plants with short trunk --
Zamia urep
18* Leaflets linear to linear-oblong
- 19 Leaflets linear to linear-oblong
- 20 Leaflets 2-5 mm wide, often rolled adaxially, apices acute with 1-3 callous teeth --
Zamia angustifolia
20* Leaflets 5-20 mm wide, flat, apices rounded, 10-20 teeth
- 21 Leaflet margins with 5-10 obscure, callous teeth at apex --
Zamia integrifolia
21* Leaflet margins with 10-20 obvious teeth in upper third --
Zamia pumila
- 19* Leaflets oblong-obovate to obovate
- 22 Leaflets less than 7 cm long, 3 cm wide --
Zamia pygmaea
22* Leaflets greater than 10 cm long, 3 cm wide --
Zamia amblyphyllidia
- 11* Petioles with at least a few prickles
- 23 Leaflet margins entire
- 24 Leaves 15-80 pairs of leaflets with acute apices
- 25 Leaflets chartaceous to membranous
- 26 40-80 pairs of imbricate leaflets, prickles often branched --
Zamia chigua
26* 15-20 pairs of widely spaced leaflets, prickles never branched --
Zamia gentryi
- 25* Leaflets coriaceous
- 27 Leaflets narrowly lanceolate, adaxially concave, rachis prickled --
Zamia soconuscensis
27* Leaflets linear-lanceolate, flat, rachis without prickles --
Zamia lecointei
- 24* Leaves with 6-15 pairs of leaflets with acuminate apices
- 28 Leaflets abruptly acuminate apically, prickles sparse to sometimes absent --
Zamia tuerckheimii
28* Leaflets drawn out into a long acuminate apex, prickles numerous
- 29 Leaflets 1-3 cm wide --
Zamia acuminata
29* Leaflets 3-6 cm wide --
Zamia pseudomonticola
- 23* Leaflet margins toothed
- 30 Leaflets variegated with small yellow spots --
Zamia variegata
30* Leaflets uniformly green
- 31 Leaflets membranous, margins with some biserrate teeth --
Zamia disodon
31* Leaflets papyraceous to coriaceous, margins with uniserrate teeth
- 32 Leaflets elliptic to oblong-elliptic, acuminate apically, margins finely serrulate
- 33 10-20 leaflet pairs, stems arborescent --
Zamia obliqua
33* 3-6 leaflet pairs, stems hypogeous --
Zamia ulei
- 32* Leaflets linear to lanceolate to obovate, acute or rounded apically, margins coarsely toothed
- 34 Leaflets obovate to oblong-obovate
- 35 Leaflets extremely coriaceous, pubescent at maturity --
Zamia furfuracea
35* Leaflets chartaceous, glabrous at maturity
- 36 Leaflets finely toothed at apex only --
Zamia ipetensis
36* Leaflets coarsely toothed in upper third --
Zamia cunaria
- 34* Leaflets linear to oblong-lanceolate
- 37 Marginal teeth spinulose and spreading at nearly a right angle
- 38 Leaves up to 1 m long, leaflets coriaceous, rachis without prickles --
Zamia standleyi
38* Leaves 15-25 m long, leaflets chartaceous, rachis with prickles --
Zamia poeppigiana
- 37* Marginal teeth serrate and at an acute angle or obscurely callous
- 39 Leaflet apices long acuminate and curved upwards, marginal teeth obscure --
Zamia monticola
39* Leaflet apices straight, short acuminate to acute
- 40 Leaflets less than 7 mm wide --
Zamia spartea
40* Leaflets greater than 10 mm wide
- 41 Leaflets imbricate --
Zamia cremnophila
41* Leaflets non-imbricate
- 42 Leaflets dull grey-green, glaucous --
Zamia loddigesii
42* Leaflets green and non-glaucous
- 43 Rachis without prickles
- 44 Leaflets oblong-lanceolate, 3-8 cm wide --
Zamia verschaffeltii
44* Leaflets linear-lanceolate curved apically, 15-5 cm wide --
Zamia lacandona
- 43* Rachis with prickles
- 45 Petiole and rachis densely prickled, prickles stout
- 46 Leaflets falcate basally, prickles never branched, petiole glabrous --
Zamia fairchildiana
46* Leaflets, cuneate basally, prickles often branched, petiole ferruginous --
Zamia amazonum
- 45* Petiole and rachis moderately to sparsely prickled
- 47 Prickles minute, less than 1 mm --
Zamia melanorrhachis
47* Prickles conspicuous
- 48 Leaflets linear-lanceolate, marginal teeth distant, 0.5-1 cm apart --
Zamia herrerae
48* Leaflets oblong to ovate to oblong-lanceolate, marginal teeth close set, less that 5 mm apart
- 49 Petiole more than one-half as long as the rachis --
Zamia muricata
49* Petiole less than one-half as long as the rachis
- 50 Marginal teeth inconspicuous, limited to apical region --
Zamia paucijuga
50* Marginal teeth conspicuous, in upper two-thirds --
Zamia polymorpha