Cycas macrocarpa
| Photo Ken Hill |
The Cycad Pages
K.D. Hill | |
Cycas L., Sp. Pl.: 1188 (1753); from the Greek Koikas,
a kind of palm. Type: C. circinalis L.
The single genus in the family Cycadaceae,
Cycas is made up of about 90 species, chiefly Australian
(26 species) and Indo-chinese (about 30 species). The genus also occurs
in the Malesian region, Japan and South east Asia, extending to
Micronesia and Polynesia, Madagascar and East Africa. Four
sections are recognised.
Plants are commonly understorey shrubs, sometimes quite large, on well-drained soils in forest,
woodland or savanna habitats, often on specific soils or substrates.
Distinguishing characters:
- Leaves pinnate or rarely bipinnate
- Leaflets midrib, lacking secondary veins
- Leaflets not articulated
- Megasporophylls not gathered in cones
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C. angulata
C. apoa
C. arenicola
C. armstrongii
C. arnhemica
C. badensis
C. balansae
C. basaltica
C. beddomei
C. bougainvilleana
C. brachycantha
C. brunnea
C. cairnsiana
C. calcicola
C. campestris
C. canalis
C. chamaoensis
C. chamberlainii
C. changjiangensis
C. chevalieri
C. circinalis
C. clivicola
C. collina
C. condaoensis
C. conferta
C. couttsiana
C. curranii
C. debaoensis
C. desolata
C. diannanensis
C. dolichophylla
C. edentata
C. elongata
C. falcata
C. ferruginea
C. fugax
C. furfuracea
C. guizhouensis
C. hainanensis
C. hoabinhensis
C. hongheensis
C. inermis
C. javana
C. lanepoolei
C. lindstromii
C. litoralis
C. maconochiei
C. macrocarpa
C. media
C. megacarpa
C. micholitzii
C. micronesica
C. miquelii
C. multifrondis
C. multipinnata
C. nathorstii
C. nongnoochiae
C. ophiolitica
C. orientis
C. pachypoda
C. panzhihuaensis
C. papuana
C. parvulus
C. pectinata
C. platyphylla
C. pranburiensis
C. pruinosa
C. revoluta
C. riuminiana
C. rumphii
C. schumanniana
C. scratchleyana
C. seemannii
C. segmentifida
C. semota
C. siamensis
C. silvestris
C. simplicipinna
C. spherica
C. taitungensis
C. taiwaniana
C. tanqingii
C. tansachana
C. thouarsii
C. tropophylla
C. tuckeri
C. wadei
C. xipholepis
C. yorkiana
C. yunnanensis
C. zeylanica
There are also several names in wide use that are either invalid or unassignable:
C. bellefontii
C. neocaledonica
C. szechuanensis
C. tonkinensis
C. undulata
Genus description:
Habit: dioecious palm like shrubs with aerial or subterranean, pachycaul,
cylindrical stems.
Leaves: pinnate or rarely bipinnate, spirally arranged, produced in seasonal growth flushes
interspersed with cataphylls, lower leaflets often reduced to spines.
Longitudinal ptyxis erect or rarely reflexed, horizontal ptyxis circinate.
Leaflets with a single thick midrib and no lateral veins; stomata
confined to abaxial surface in most species; individual ptyxis involute.
Leaves pubescent, at least when young, with branched or simple transparent
Microsporophylls: aggregated into determinate male cones and each with
a simple sterile apex, which is often produced into an upturned spine.
Each microsporophyll bearing numerous microsporangia (pollen sacs) on
its abaxial surfaces. Microsporangia opening by slits. Pollen cymbiform,
Megasporophylls: loosely or tightly imbricate, spirally arranged in an
indeterminate terminal rosette with the central axis continuing vegetative
growth. Ovules two to many (rarely one), marginally inserted on the stipe
and directed obliquely outwards (`ascending'). Megasporophyll apically
dilated into a pinnatifid, pectinate, toothed or entire lamina in the
distal zone beyond the ovule-bearing stipe.
Seeds: subglobular to ellipsoidal, with a yellow, orange or brown fleshy
outer sarcotesta, and with or without spongy tissue beneath the inner
woody sclerotesta. Endosperm haploid, derived from the female gametophyte.
Embryo straight; with 2 cotyledons that are usually united at the tips
and a very long, spirally twisted suspensor. Seeds platyspermic;
germination cryptocotylar.
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Dichotomous keys - Key to the Sections
- 1 Ovules tomentose -- Section Asiorientales
1* Ovules glabrous
- 2 Megasporophyll lamina pectinate
- 3 Male cones rigid, waxy, microsporophyll apices deflexed
- 4 Sclerotesta not ribbed -- Section Panzhihuaenses
4* Sclerotesta ribbed -- Section Wadeanae
- 3* Male cones soft, microsporophyll apices not deflexed
- 5 Microsporophylls flexible, rounded; sarcotesta not fibrous;
sclerotesta verrucose -- Section Stangerioides
5* Microsporophylls rigid, acuminate; sarcotesta fibrous;
sclerotesta smooth -- Section Indosinenses
2* Megasporophyll lamina not pectinate -- Section Cycas
Key to the Species
1. Section Asiorientales
1 Pinnae revolute --
Cycas revoluta
1* Pinnae flat --
Cycas taitungensis
2. Section Panzhihuanses
China --
Cycas panzhihuaensis
3. Section Wadeanae
1 Pinnae to 6 mm wide; seeds to 40 mm long --
Cycas wadei
1* Pinnae more than 7 mm wide; seeds more than 40 mm long --
Cycas curranii
4. Section Stangerioides
1 Apical megasporophyll spine not strongly differentiated
from lateral spines -- Subsection Stangerioides
1* Apical megasporophyll spine much longer and broader
than lateral spines -- Subsection Taiwanianae
4.1. Subsection Stangerioides
1 Pinnae simple
2 Microsporophylls finely apiculate
-- Cycas chevalieri
-- Cycas fugax
-- Cycas hoabinhensis
2* Microsporophylls rounded
3 Cataphylls long, rigid --
Cycas parvulus
3* Cataphylls short, soft
4 Male cones small, narrow
5 Thailand --
Cycas simplicipinna
5* Vietnam
-- Cycas brachycantha
-- Cycas balansae
4* Male cones large
8 China
-- Cycas yunnanensis
-- Cycas segmentifida
-- Cycas guizhouensis
8* Vietnam
-- Cycas collina
-- Cycas dolichophylla
1* Pinnae dichotomously divided
2 Pinnae 2-3 times dichotomously divided
-- Cycas micholitzii
-- Cycas multifrondis
2* Pinnae pinnately divided and more than 3 times
dichotomously divided
-- Cycas multipinnata
-- Cycas debaoensis
4.2. Subsection Taiwanianae
- 1 Pinnae to 10 mm wide
- 2 Seeds large --
Cycas hainanensis
2* Seeds small
- 3 Plants large
- 4 Leaves keeled --
Cycas tropophylla
4* Leaves flat --
Cycas ferruginea
- 3* Plants dwarf
- 5 Hainan --
Cycas changjiangensis
5* Vietnam, Guangxi --
Cycas miquelii
- 1* Pinnae more than 11 mm wide
- 5 China
-- Cycas diannanensis
-- Cycas taiwaniana
-- Cycas tanqingii
5. Section Indosinenses
- 1 Stem wholly subterranean; male cones less than 5 cm diam. --
Subsection Lindstromienses
1 Stem becoming aerial; male cones more than 5 cm diam.
- 2 Leaves distinctly keeled, tomentose throughout; cataphylls spinescent --
Subsection Hongheenses
2 Leaves flat or moderately keeled, glabrous at least above; cataphylls not
spinescent -- Subsection Indosinenses
5.1. Subsection Indosinenses
- 1 Phelloderm (bark) smooth
- 2 Male cones fusiform --
Cycas chamaoensis
2* Male cones ellipsoid to ovoid
- 3 Apical microsporophyll spine long --
Cycas pectinata
3* Apical microsporophyll spine short
- 4 Male cones large --
Cycas tansachana
4* Male cones small --
Cycas clivicola
-- Cycas elongata
- 1* Phelloderm (bark) corky
- 5 Basal pinnae not reducing to spines
- 6 Male cones medium
- 7 Vietnam --
Cycas condaoensis
7* Vietnam --
Cycas pachypoda
6* Male cones small --
Cycas nongnoochiae
5* Basal pinnae reducing to spines --
Cycas siamensis
5.2. Subsection Hongehenses
China --
Cycas hongheensis
5.3. Subsection Lindstromiae
Vietnam --
Cycas lindstromii
6. Section Cycas
- 1 Spongy tissue not present in seeds
- 2 Fibrous layer present in sarcotesta -- Subsection Cycas
2* Fibrous layer not present in sarcotesta -- Subsection Endemicae
1* Spongy tissue present in seeds -- Subsection Rumphiae
6.1. Subsection Cycas
- 1* Pinnae less than 5 mm wide --
Cycas beddomei
1 Pinnae more than 6 mm wide
- 2 Pinnae less than 10 mm wide
- 3 Lateral megasporophyll teeth less than 3 mm long
- 4 India --
Cycas circinalis
4 Sri Lanka --
Cycas nathorstii
- 3* Lateral megasporophyll teeth more than 4 mm long
- 5 Lateral spines of megasporophyll lamina less than 10 mm long
- 6 India --
Cycas spherica
6* Philippines --
Cycas riuminiana
- 5* Lateral spines of megasporophyll lamina more than
10 mm long --
Cycas chamberlainii
- 2 Pinnae more than 10 mm wide
- 7 Petiole unarmed --
Cycas pranburiensis
7* Petiole spinescent
- 8 Lateral megasporophyll teeth more than 8 mm long --
Cycas macrocarpa
8* Lateral megasporophyll teeth less than 7 mm long
- 9 Lamina distinctly toothed
- 10 Lamina ovate
- 11 Vietnam --
Cycas inermis
11* PNG --
Cycas scratchleyana
10* Lamina slender, lanceolate --
Cycas javana
9* Lamina, lacking distinct lateral spines --
Cycas apoa
6.2. Subsection Rumphiae
- 1 Seeds without a distinct apical wing
- 2 Pinnae broad, very glossy, bright green
- 3 Philippines --
Cycas edentata
3* Thailand --
Cycas litoralis
- 2* Pinnae medium, semiglossy, bluish when new
- 4 Cataphylls numerous, narrow, elongate; Sri Lanka & Andamans --
Cycas zeylanica
4* Cataphylls fewer, short and broad; Madagascar --
Cycas thouarsii
- 1* Seeds with a distinct apical wing
- 5 Lateral megasporophyll spines reduced to bumps --
Cycas rumphii
5* Lateral megasporophyll spines distinct
- 6 Apical spine more than 15 mm long
- 7 Pinnae more than 13 mm wide; petiole often
spinescent --
Cycas bougainvilleana
7* Pinnae less than 12 mm wide
8 Petiole rarely spinescent --
Cycas seemanii
8* Petiole usually spinescent --
Cycas falcata
6* Apical spine less than 12 mm long --
Cycas micronesica
6.3. Subsection Endemicae
- 1 Basal pinnae gradually reducing in size
- 2 Basal pinnae reducing to spines; lateral megasporophyll
teeth large, not pungent -- Series Furfuraceosae
2* Basal pinnae not reducing to spines; lateral megasporophyll
teeth small, pungent -- Series Calcicolosae
- 1* Basal pinnae not gradually reducing in size
- 4 Hypodermis absent; leaf margins flat -- Series Armstrongianosae
4* Hypodermis present; leaf margins recurved
- 5 Hypodermis interrupted; leaves green
- 6 Cataphylls strongly spinescent -- Series Endemicosae
6* Cataphylls soft, not spinescent -- Series Yorkianosae
- 5* Hypodermis continuous; leaves grey or blue
- 7 Leaves strongly glaucous; male cones small to
medium, ovoid -- Series Cairnsianosae
7* Leaves not strongly glaucous ; male cones
large, subglobose -- Series Angulatosae
6.3.1. Series Endemicae
- 1 Leaves keeled at up to 135 --
Cycas megacarpa
1* Leaves flat (keeled at more than 135 )
- 2 Pinnae > 9 mm wide; cataphylls deciduous --
Cycas silvestris
2* Pinnae < 9 mm wide; cataphylls persistent --
Cycas media
6.3.2. Series Yorkianosae
- 1 Crown and cataphylls densely orange-woolly or floccose
- 3 Lateral spines of megasporophyll lamina more than
8 mm long --
Cycas campestris
- 4 --
Cycas schumanniana
- 5 Megasporophyll apex 60--100 mm long, with
24--32 lateral spines 3--6 mm long, apical spine
2--16 mm long --
Cycas yorkiana
5* Megasporophyll apex 50--55 mm long, with 22--24
lateral spines 1--4 mm long, apical spine 21--25 mm
long --
Cycas badensis
- 1* Crown and cataphylls very shortly grey to white-sericose
- 6 Megasporophylls short (1015 cm); apex dilated (3550 mm wide) --
Cycas tuckeri
6* Megasporophylls longer (1825 cm); apex not dilated (1835 mm wide) --
Cycas semota
6.3.3. Series Cairnsianosae
- 1 Margins of pinnae revolute; pinnae narrow (mostly less than 4 mm wide)
- 2 Cataphylls short, soft --
Cycas cairnsiana
2* Cataphylls long, pungent --
Cycas desolata
- 1* Margins of pinnae flat or recurved, not revolute; pinnae more than 4 mm wide
- 3 New growth with mainly white or grey trichomes --
Cycas couttsiana
3* New growth with mostly brown or orange trichomes
- 4 Pinnae 6.07.5 mm wide; leaves keeled at 80120 --
Cycas ophiolitica
4* Pinnae 4.66.0 mm wide; leaves keeled at 4560 --
Cycas platyphylla
6.3.4. Series Angulatosae
1* Pinnae > 6 mm wide --
Cycas brunnea
1 Pinnae < 6 mm wide --
Cycas angulata
6.3.5. Series Armstrongianosae
- 1 New leaves green or bluish-green
- 2 Pinnae concolorous, partly amphistomatic, closely crowded and
overlapping --
Cycas conferta
2* Pinnae more or less discolorous, hypostomatic, well-spaced on rachis
- 3 Cataphylls shortly pale brown-tomentose
- 4 Midrib more prominent below than above --
Cycas orientis
4* Midrib equally prominent above and below
- 5 --
Cycas xipholepis
5* --
Cycas papuana
- 3* Cataphylls densely orange-woolly or floccose
- 6 Stem more than 12 cm diam. --
Cycas lane-poolei
6* Stem less than 12 cm diam. --
Cycas armstrongii
1* New leaves glaucous blue --
Cycas canalis
6.3.6 Series Calcicolosae
- 1 Margins of pinnae flat or recurved; pinnae broad (more than 5 mm wide)
- 2 New growth with mostly brown or orange trichomes --
Cycas arnhemica
2* New growth with mainly white or grey trichomes --
Cycas maconochiei
- 1* Margins of pinnae revolute; pinnae narrow (less than4 mm wide)
- 3 Pinnae numerous (210-410), narrow (2.5-4.0 mm wide); crowded
(spaced at 4-6 mm on rhachis) --
Cycas calcicola
3* Pinnae not as numerous (180-270), wider (4.0-6.5 mm wide);
not crowded (spaced at 8-14 mm on rhachis) --
Cycas arenicola
6.3.7. Series Furfuraceosae
- 1 Leaves flat --
Cycas basaltica
1* Leaves keeled
- 2 Margins of pinnae revolute; pinnae narrow (less than
4 mm wide) --
Cycas pruinosa
2* Margins of pinnae flat or recurved; pinnae broad (more
than 5 mm wide) --
Cycas furfuracea