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Tree in the Seattle Arboretum [C.J. Earle].

Foliage on a tree in the Seattle Arboretum [C.J. Earle].

line drawing
"Pl. 189. Taiwania cryptomerioides Hayata (Taxodiaceae)" (3).

postage stamp
Chinese stamp honoring T. cryptomerioides var. flousiana (6).

Taiwania cryptomerioides Hayata 1906

Common Names

Taiwania (4).

Taxonomic notes

The sole species in Taiwania Hayata 1906. One variety, flousiana (syn: T. flousiana; T. yunnanensis (1)).


"A large tree. Leaves dimorphic, scale-like leaves flat, rhomboidal acute, cover on the old branches, subulate leaves spirally arranged on the branchlets, sharply pointed, about 2 cm. long, quadrangular in cross section, 4-5 stomatic lines on each side, one vascular bundle and one resin duct. Mature cones terminating the branches or branchlets, nearly sessile, oblong-ovoid, the scales 12-20, thin, obcordate, 8 mm. long, 5 mm. broad. Seeds oblong with broad wings, emarginate at both ends. Trunk bark grayish red brown to grayish white, longitudinally fissured, ridges flattened, more or less interlacing, exfoliating in longitudinal narrow thin pieces; lenticels inconspicuous; outer barks 1.4-1.5 cm. thick, fibrous; with a dark red brown tiered cross section; newly formed periderm brightly red; inner barks 3-6 mm. thick, finely fibrous, gradually becoming pale purplish brown after cutting, excreting no white resin; cambium and newly formed phloem inconspicuous. Freshly cut sapwood white to pale orange yellow, wood rays inconspicuous" (4).


Taiwan: the central ranges at 1800-2600 m (4). Sample collection: Xinchu Xian: Chienshih Xiang: Chilanshan. Mixed Chamaecyparis, Taiwania and Acer forest. Tree ca. 40 m, DBH 1.2 m (2).

Big Tree

"In height the Taiwania overtops all other associated trees ... The tallest individual ever found measures about 65 meters high. Giant trees with diameters up to 3 meters are rather common in the mixed coniferous and hardwood forests" (5).







(1) Silba 1986.
(2) Botanical Inventory Of Taiwan.
(3) Li 1975.
(4) Liu 1970.
(5) Liu, T. and H. Su. 1983. Biosystematic studies on Taiwania and numerical evaluations of the systematics of the Taxodiaceae. Taiwan Museum Spec. Pub. Series No. 2.
(6) Stamp designed by Zeng Xiaolian and issued 10-Mar-1992. Image available at http://www.bupt.edu.cn/stamp/plant/92_3.htm, accessed 12-Apr-1999.

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This page is from the Gymnosperm Database
URL: http://www.geocities.com/~earlecj/cu/tai/index.htm
Edited by Christopher J. Earle
Last modified on 12-Apr-1999