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Chemotaxis of large field of
Aggregation of D. discoideum amoebae towards a point source of the
chemoattractant cAMP. The numbers on the upper left corner are minutes and
seconds. From G. Gerisch, Max-Planck-Institut
fur Biochemie, Martinsried, Germany. |
Aggregation of D. discoideum
ameobae towards cAMP, lower magnification. From R. Firtel,
University of California, San Diego |
Details of Chemotaxis
Chemotaxis of single cells towards a point source of the chemoattractant cAMP.
The numbers on the upper left corner are minutes and seconds. From G. Gerisch,
fur Biochemie, Martinsried, Germany. |
Dynamic Reorganization of Actin
in chemotaxing cells.
Actin shows dynamic
reorganization in the leading edge of cells migrating under the influence
of cAMP. Actin is visualized by and Actin binding domain GFP fusion
made in David Knecht's laboratory (Univ. Conn.). From R. Firtel,
cell movement in aggregation
Time-lapse video of small group of aggregating
cells. Interval between movement steps is 6 minute. From P.
Devreotes, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions.
Dark- field Waves
of cell shape change in aggregation
Time-lapse video of monolayer of aggregating
cells filmed through a dark-field macroscope. White bands represent
chemotactically oriented cells. Period of wave initiation is 6 minutes.
From P. Devreotes, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions.
Movement of Cells Into an
Under the influence of cAMP,
cells form streams which participate in the formation of a multicellular
tissue by chemotaxis.
From R. Firtel, UCSD. |
Movement of Cells During
Time-lapse video
showing slug formation, migration and culmination. From R. Chisholm,
Northwestern University. |