Turnip Yellow Mosaic Virus
radial depth cueing
| spatial object
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Images by Jean-Yves Sgro
Crystallographic Determination, PDB Entry: 1AUY
M.A.Canady, S.B.Larson,J.Day, A.MCPherson
Crystal Structure of Turnip Yellow Mosaic Virus
Nat. Struct. Biol. 3771 1996
ICTV Classification
(Genus Tymovirus Genome: positive sense - ssRNA Host: Plants)
Electron Micrographs
EM1 (c) 1994 Thorben Lundsgaard, C.J. Woolston and Ed Rybicki
EM2 (by A. J. Gibbs , Research School of Biological Sciences, Australian National University. )
EM3 (Department of Plant Pathology, Rothamstedt Experimental Station, UK.
From the Authors of the Crystallographic Data:
- Canady now at Scripps.
Image Of the Week
- TYMV Protein Capsid
- TYMV Internal Electron Density
- TYMV Inside Surface