Guidelines for Submittors of Online Virology Materials
We welcome your contributions to this Virology server. We are looking
for online course notes, course outlines (syllabi), tutorials,
virus animations and images, and anything else that might be useful
for researchers, teachers, students, or the public.
The "Borrowing" Process
"Fair Use" - When Is Permission Needed to Reproduce Copyrighted Material?
The Authoring Process
Documents can be in the form of:
- Text
- Hypertext (HTML)
- Images (GIF or JPEG)
- Animations (MPEG or QuickTime)
- Postscript
There are a number of ways to convert
documents written with a word processor to hypertext (HTML). Or you
can write HTML documents from scratch. The following are good
And a good general reference:
The Submission Process
There are currently three ways to submit materials for inclusion on
this World Wide Web server. Choose the method that is easiest for you.
(In the not too distant future a mechanism will exist from
within Mosaic for uploading a document.)
Thank You!
Consider yourself a pioneer in the area of collaborative virology teaching!
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Web Server for Virology home page
Content: ©1994-1997 Stephan Spencer &
Jean-Yves Sgro
Design: ©1997
Internet Concepts, LLC
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