Flock House Virus

An artistic rendering of Flock House virus (J.E. Johnson,personnal
communication). Published structure of Black Beetle virus
(PDB entry code 2BBV )is very close to that of FHV.
Structure has been rendered in graphics program GRASP
and radially depth cued. Light effects and lens flares were added
with Adobe Photoshop. Choice of color here is inverted from my usual
choice to highlight and see the deep crevasses usually darker.
Flock house virus radially depth cued by blue colors.

MPEG version (932K)
Quicktime version (1338K)
The movie (created on a Macintosh computer) shows a viral particle rotating 360 degrees and looping.
The images were created on a Silicon Graphics computer runing the MIDAS-PLUS molecular graphics package and screen-captured.
The data displayed were derived from X-ray coordinates (personnal communication J.E. Johnson, Purdue University, WestLafayette, Indiana, USA) using Michael Conolly's MS program and the spline programs kindly provided by Nathalie Colloc'h, UniversitŽ de Jussieu, Paris, France.
Created April 27, 1993.
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© 1993 Jean-Yves Sgro. Institute for Molecular Virology/ jsgro@facstaff.wisc.edu