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Range of Dacrydium spathoides (1). Adapted from a map by
Microsoft Expedia Maps
Dacrydium spathoides de Laubenfels 1969

Common Names

Taxonomic notes


"Tree 26-34 m tall, 50 cm diam. Bark exuding red sap. Juvenile leaves spreading at about a 60 angle, nearly straight but slightly bent forward at the pungent tip, to at least 6 mm long, linear-lanceolate, c. 1 mm wide, 0.2 mm thick, keeled on the dorsal side, slightly concave on the axial side. Adult leaves spreading at about a 45 angle, straight or slightly bent forward at the apiculate tip, 2-4 mm long, linear-lanceolate, 0.8-0.9 mm wide, 0.2 mm thick, keeled on the dorsal side, distinctly concave on the axial side. Pollen cones unknown. Seed-bearing structure terminal, often on a short side branch, subtended by reduced leaves less than 2 mm long, the cone bracts straight, slightly spreading, up to 3 mm long and 0.5 mm wide, covering the lower part of the seed. Mature seed 4 mm long, often two seeds per cone" (1).


New Guinea: E West Irian, growing as a conopy tree at 2150-2200 m in moist, mossy mountain rainforest (1).

Big Tree







(1) de Laubenfels 1988.

See also:
de Laubenfels 1969.
Gaussen, Gymn. Act. & Foss. fasc. 13, ch. 20 (1974) 44, f. 690.

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This page is from the Gymnosperm Database
URL: http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Canopy/2285/po/da_m/spathoides.htm
Edited by Christopher J. Earle
Last modified on 29-Jan-1999