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range map
Firs of the Mediterreanean region.
A. alba = Dark yellow.
A. cephalonica = Cyan.
A. cilicica = Dark green.
A. marocana = Dark red.
A. nebrodensis = Yellow.
A. nordmanniana = Purple.
A. numidica = Red.
A. pinsapo = Blue (3).
Abies marocana Trabut.

Common Names

Moroccan fir (1).

Taxonomic notes

Syn: A. pinsapo subsp. marocana (Trabut.) Cetallos & Bolanos 1968. "A. marocana was found by Joly in the mountains of South Teutan, Morocco, in 1906. According to Ceballos (2), both this fir and A. tazaotana should be regarded as subspecies or varieties of A. pinsapo" (1).


"A small tree. Crown conical. Shoots gray-yellow, glabrous, slightly grooved. BUDS ovate, resinous. Needles similar to those of A. pinsapo, but somewhat longer (10-15 mm) and wider, yet not so thick; resin ducts marginal. Cones cylindrical, tapering on both ends, 10 cm long or somewhat shorter, up to 6 cm thick, light brown in the middle; seed scales 28-35 mm wide; bract scales hidden. Seed 12 mm in length" (1).


Morocco (1).

Big Tree







(1) Vidakovic 1991.
(2) Ceballos, L. 1968: Mapa forestal de España. Dirección General de Montes. Madrid.

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This page is from the Gymnosperm Database
URL: http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Canopy/2285/pi/ab/marocana.htm
Edited by Christopher J. Earle
Last modified on 19-Jan-1999