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line drawing
Cone & seed [L.A. Vorobik] (8).
Cupressus goveniana var. abramsiana (C. B. Wolf) Little 1970

Common Names

Santa Cruz cypress.

Taxonomic notes

Syn: C. abramsiana C.B. Wolf (1). This variety may have originated through hybridization with C. sargentii (E. Zavarin et al. 1971) (3).



USA: California, Santa Cruz Mountains, at 490-760 m (2). Found a 2 locales in Santa Cruz County and one in adjacent San Mateo County (4). Listed in 1987 by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as the endangered species C. abramsiana. No approved recovery plan as of November 1996.

Big Tree

None identified as of 1996.





A herbarium collection (6) was made in 1948 in San Mateo County on the North Fork of Butano Creek (common corner of Section 11 & 12 and 13 & 14, range 4W). Vladimir Dinets (9) reports "The location of var. abramsiana in Butano State Park is now covered with dense second-growth redwood forest, so I doubt any cypress could survive there. I found few trees along Cloverdale Rd. between the park entrance and Pescadero." McMillan (6) or Wolf (7) might also provide guidance.


Although collected as early as 1881, specimens were described as C. sargentii or C. goveniana until Wolf described the new taxon in 1948. McMillan (5) has proposed a hybrid origin from these two species.


(1) Silba 1986.

(2) Peattie 1950 (as C. abramsiana).

(3) James E. Eckenwalder at the Flora of North America web site.

(4) Little 1970.

(5) McMillan, Calvin. 1951. Madroño 11:189-194 (cited in (4)).
(6) Herbarium data for all California species are accessible via the CalFlora Database.

(7) Wolf 1948.

(8) Hickman 1993.

(9) Vladimir Dinets, E-mail, 16-Mar-2000.

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This page is from the Gymnosperm Database
URL: http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Canopy/2285/cu/cup/abramsiana.htm
Edited by Christopher J. Earle
E-mail: earlecj@conifers.org
Last modified on 16-Mar-2000