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Catalytic Properties of Proteinoids

Results of Different Authors (1962 – 1971)

reaction and substrate



p-nitrophenyl acetate The activity of the proteinoids is stronger than the activity of the same amount of free histidine. The reaction is inhibited by organic phosphate compounds, it is reversible. Proteinoids have an active centre that can be inactivated.
ATP Hydrolysis occurs in the presence of a Zn-salt only.


glucoronic acid The products are glucose and carbon dioxide.
pyruvate The products are acetate and carbon dioxide (Michaelis-Menten kinetics). The reaction is fast in the presence of basic proteinoids
oxaloacetate proteinoids


alpha-ketoglutaric acid The catalysis requires copper (II)-ions in addition to the presence of proteinoids.


glutamic acid see the reaction directly above


hydrogen peroxide
(catalase reaction)
This reaction requires the presence of haemin. The activity of haemin is reduced after addition of proteinoids.
hydrogen peroxide
or another hydrogen donor
The activity of haemin increases fifty-fold after addition of lysine-rich haemoproteinoids
from: S. W. FOX, 1973

© Peter v. Sengbusch - b-online@botanik.uni-hamburg.de